The Life and Times...

Mostly family stuff. Some Irish history, ancient history, religion and early Christian history.

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Patron Saint of Bloggers - St. Colmcille

It is time to tell the story of the patron saint of the bloggers, St. Colmcille. He was first officially proclaimed the patron right here today, so you are reading history.  His story, and I am not making this up, is an intersting one for our times.

In the 6th sectury, St. Colmcille (also spelled Colm Cille, Columba, Colm Cille, Cholm Cille or Columbkille), while a guest in the home of of St. Finian, secretly copied one of Finians favorite documents and smuggled it (the copy) out. The case went before the High King Diarmaid mac Cearrbheoil (modern spelling McCarville, no kidding) who ruled that the copy belonged to the original document and thus was Finian's. This is the first recorded case of a copyright infringement ruling. Now Colmcille ignored the ruling setting off wars between the O'Neils and the McCarville's with mutual curses of dying painful threefold deaths and all kinds of other interesting folklore.

Now this guy became the mortal enemy of old king McCarville, and (as a direct indirect descendent of the king) I will have more to say about this later, but I do think the guy should be the patron saint of bloggers, the internet, hackers, photcopiers, court reporters and anyone who downloads music, legally or otherwise.

I wonder, does anyone know if there is a patron saint of pirates?

Friday, July 23, 2004

Evelyn McCarville's 1927 Diary, February 2 and 3

Feb 2 (1927)

            Lovely weather we are having. At least we’d call it lovely because we aren’t freezing to death. There is a rather cool breeze blowing, and the ice is melting. The streets are full of sloppy water, and things look like they usually do after a January thaw – terrible. I can imagine a resident of California throwing up his hands in dispair and a Floridan dying of grief – but we call it “lovely weather”.
            Oh I’ve been so busy lately. Saturday and Sunday at the retreat. Honestly, with my severe S.J.A. idea of a retreat, this affair we had resembled a picnic more than anything else. Sunday morning at Drexel Lodge we laughed and talked and played. They didn’t expect us to do otherwise. 
            Retreat ended Sunday afternoon with holy hour and the Papal Blessing. It was lovely. I love retreats any way, and he was a marvelous confessor.
            Sunday night Ruth and I had dates with Swede Gebhert and Ellsworth “Van” Van Slate. They took us to a show and then out to Frank Knuths Café. We met oodles of other Marquette kids. Lots of fun, ! Met Frances O’Boyle, the girl works at the Union. She knew Gebhart and I. Wherever she’d been before we saw her she’d had something to drink, and she begged us not to tell on her. In fact she said she’d break every bone in my body if T told, and she’d cash even bum checks for me if I didn’t. I felt sorry for her, but she surely was a funny sight.
            Monday night I stayed at French’s. They’ve been asking me to, and so I decided I’d better. They wanted me to stay all week, but gosh. I didn’t want to.
            Monday, we registered, too, and had to go thru that goofy old red tape again – tiresome but my schedule is not so worse except for hygiene class, which lasts until 6 on Wednesday. Here is my schedule.


                        Monday            Tuesday            Wednesday            Thursday         Friday
History 9                                              9                                              9
“ Quiz                                                                                       10
Religion                                    10
Journalism            10                                            10                                            10
P. Speaking                              11
Sociology            11                                            11                                            11
French              1                      1                      1                      1
Gym                                         9                                              9
Hygiene                                                            4:30
Swimming                                                                                                         2

Not really bad in some respects – especially no 8 o’clocks
            Tuesday night I stayed at Dorothy’s again, and she and I had dates with “Mike” and “Manny”. They took us the Strand, and the Majestic (Sweet Shop) and riding. We had a wonderful time, even if we didn’t get in until 2. I like Mike, but I’m too slow for him. But he says he likes me, any way and he surely is one cute boy. He goes to Normal.
            I’m going to bed now. Will finish later. Dead tired. More of this anon.

Feb. 3
Somebody called me up last night at 8:30 and I wasn’t here. Gosh, I wonder who it was.
Mama None (ed: pronounced like bone) wrote me a 4 page letter today and I almost fell over in a dead faint. She usually writes notes instead of letters. It was all of the latest gossip from Tillie Herrick, and oh boy! All Tillie didn’t talk about. Mama None happened to mention that Father Daniky told me I had the inferiority complex and T. went and got a pencil, asked her what it meant and how to spell it, and wrote it down. Why, I can’t imagine.
I was talking to Slaby and Sheehan today, and Sheehan asked me to fo the the Notre Dame game with him Friday. He also asked me if I were going to the Prom, and when I sadly replied “No” he seemed surprised. He’s homely, but I’d even go with him.
I don’t know what I going to do about that 4:30 class. Just happened to think about it.
Ruth and I are going down town in a few minutes. I have the funniest feeling as if someone were going to call, so were going to give them until 8:30. Its 8:04 now. Guess I’ll sign off for a while.


Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Back from the Beach

We had a great time at the beach. More eating and drinking than beaching, but a lot of fun. We did go to see "Outfoxed" at the home of some perfect strangers who took us in with southern hospitality. Met a former Pitt professor and his social worker wife who moved down there 13 years ago. It was more like meeting old friends.

If you hate the Fox Network, don't miss "Outfoxed".

Friday, July 16, 2004

Watching "Outfoxed" at the Beach

Haydee and I are off to the beaches of North Carolina for a long weekend. I figured that I would have to miss the release of "Outfoxed" on Sunday night. I certainly didn't think there would be anyone there to see it with, since we won't know a soul. Then, thanks to it all changed. 
In a commentary about society's new social patterns, we were invited via, the internet, to visit with "our new neighbors" for a viewing of "Outfoxed" on Sunday night. All I had to do is enter my zip code. So I entered the zip code where I'll be staying. Now we are invited to a great party and hope to meet interesting people. I don't even know anyone in Pittsburgh who is going to watch the show, but thanks to I may have a whole set of new political soulmates in North Carolina. 
On the other hand, maybe this is going to be what it must be like to try to find a date on the internet?? Stay tuned. 

Sunday, July 11, 2004

Thomas J. McCarville

It has been four months since my brother TJ passed away. Inbetween the stages of initial shock and the final realization of loss, there is a middle stage of joy. I hope this comes across ok, but it is the joy in the slow realization of how complex and good a character he was. The realization comes from all of the stories friends and relatives told about a TJ. While all of the stories rung true, because I knew he was that way to me, I never knew how deeply he impacted so many. It kind of magnifies the vision and understanding of him that I had in so many wonderful ways and it makes sense of old Irish song, slightly modified, to say "Tommy we hardly knew you".

Evelyn McCarville's 1927 Diary, January 28, 1927

JAN 28

I had almost given up myself today. Retreat started this morning, and continued until 3:30, but all day long I’ve been wandering in a haze, my thoughts everywhere but where they should be, my mind anything but religious. Of course, working this afternoon kind of got me out of the spirit. But tonight I went to the library and got a book on the Little Flower, and now I feel much better. Its just wonderful how even the very merest mention of her name is so inspiring. I don’t feel so horrible and mean now, and impious. Maybe tomorrow I’ll get back some of my lost piety.

Saturday, July 03, 2004

Happy July 3rd of 1754

Today is the 250th anniversay of what might be the most important military battle on American soil. On July 3, 1754, the French and Indians "whupped" British Colonel George Washington as he was retreating from Fort Dusquesne, now Pittsburgh. So, Julie and I packed the patriotic cooler with Coors Light and headed out to Fort Necessity for a re-enactment of sorts.

Both the British and the French were racing to present-day Pittsburgh because they knew that whoever controlled the Head of the Ohio River (Pittsburgh) controlled the interior of a whole continent. (The Ohio is the only river in the Western hemisphere that flows away from where the people lived on the coast, downriver into the interior and that the steamboat, and two-way, travel wouldn't be practical for another 100 years.) Well, Washington was disappointed to find that the French got there first, and, well, killed the French Ensign de Jumonville in a "disagreement" about each others intentions, a kind of pre-emptive strike according to the Pittsburgh Tribune Review. But one the Frenchmen escaped and reported the British presence to the rest of the French. The British soon found themselves outnumbered where the holed up at Fort Necessity.

It is not just that the French and Indians beat the British by the then "ungentlemanly war crime" of shooting from behind the trees (the British fired from formation out in the open meadow), but also that the British high command had little interest in hearing about the "Colonial Colonel's" report about the battle mistakes of the British.

Washington, however, remembered the lessons of his defeat and put them to very good use 23 years and one day later when he accepted command of the colonial army and joined in in declaring the colonies independence from Britain on July 4, 1776.

Evelyn McCarville's 1927 Diary, January 12, 13, 14, 18 and 25, 1927

JAN. 12

My short story for Journalism is driving me to drink. It just seems to thwart me, every move I make, My characters are all so stubborn, and even my ideas have formed a union against me. I did so want to make the Journal, but heaven only knows if I will! I’m going to work on the crazy old thing tonight.
Here’s a poem out of R.H.L.’s 1926 Linebook that I’m simply crazy about. I’m going to write a story on it some day:
“I’ll go to Camelot. I’ll go to Crete.
You’ll live forever on this small street.
I’ll wear silken robes…gay colors spilled.
You’ll wear the palest things… soft things frilled.
I’ll know many men, strange men and wild,
You’ll know but one man and bear his child.
You will bring peacefulness… bake little tarts,
I’ll bring inquietude. Strange things – hearts!”
I think it is lovely, and oh it expressed my views exactly. Flay and I used to differ so, and now she’s engaged and on the road to her ambition. Mine? I wonder. “Strange things – hearts!”

JAN 13

I’m so tired tonight that I’m going to bed right away. I had to work until about since, and after eating supper at Julia Fischers I came home and have been studying. I’m simply a wreck. My Public Speaking outline is due tomorrow, my Religion thesis, and my Journalism short story. I’m just dead, so heres to bed. It’s 5 after eleven.

JAN 14

The funniest thing happened tonight. Ruth and I and Vivian and Antoinette were at the Marquette high school to hear the Leland Stanford debate. After it was over, and we were going to catch the car, four fellows were waiting for us, “Mike” and Emanuel, and two unknowns. The 2 unk. Fellows grabbed us by the arm, and dashed us to a street car, leaving M. and E. in the soup. When they got us to the car they had to sit further up in the front. At 12th St. they got off. Now would you call yourself jilted or not? We’re completely flabbergasted.

JAN 18

I haven’t had much time lately on account of that crazy old Ecco. Manufacturing Co. Mr. French has the idea that we should deem it a privilege to be able to work after our regular time. Tonight I quit at 6:20 which was early.
I’ve been awfully busy, anyway. I worked all day Saturday and Saturday night we went to the Marquette Creighton game. Sunday Ruth and I went to 2 masses, and Sunday afternoon I spent in the library, and in watching them take a dead person out of the house across the street – that creepy looking house, behind the deaconess home. Sunday night Ruth and I went to a movie, and some boy called while I was gone. Darn!
Monday night I went to “Cyrano de Bergerac” by Edivin Abner Thompson ath the Marquette High School auditorium. It was wonderful.
I am simply scared stiff about exams. We had religion today, which was not so worse, but I don’t think I wrote an “A”. French? Terrible! History: fierce! Sociology _____? _____!
I simply cannot study tonight, and neither can Ruth. We started in about 7:30, but she was hungry so we both went down to Julia Fischers. On the way home we got a paper, and of course we both had to read that. Then she had to take a bath, and I had top write in here! It’s exactly 9:30 and we haven’t started yet! What’s more I’m not in the mood for it at all.
I’m so mad. This Mathieson kid in our Journalism class (he’s going to Madison next semester) well anyway I met him downtown tonight, and he said (after hello) “how are you?” and I didn’t hear and went on! I’ve been crazy to have a date with him all semester, and I just know he meant business tonight. It just makes me sick.
I’m afraid to face Father Daniky tomorrow in Journalism class. That short story I handed in was so rotten.

JAN 25

Oh boy, believe me, if I didn’t play the lady of fashion stunt today! Arose about ten, took a bath, read, wrote, then dressed. By that time it was one o’clock so I went downtown, and then to work. Time, so much free time didn’t see possible, and I’m going to do the same thing tomorrow.
The reason I haven’t written in you (Diary dear – as they say) is because I’ve been so rushed to pieces, I didn’t know what I was doing half the time.
Since last Tuesday lots of things have happened. Wednesday we studied a little, but we didn’t over-do it. Thurs. I had Sociology exam, and I guess I got through, altho’ I surely had to copy. I’ve felt like a dog since, but I simply had to. Friday we had History and French. After French, Ruth went to Kenosha, and after work I went to Frenchs’ for supper, and stayed all night. (By the way, I read “gentlemen Prefer Blondes” while there) Saturday morning I went to work of course. Saturday night I went to the Michigan State game and stayed all night with Gutsche and Dona, thy Chlebawski. Sunday I went to church, and also had a marvelous chicken dinner at Drew’s Sunday night – the Alhambra. Monday, English exam, work, and read “The Girl of the Golden West”.
Tuesday – here I am. Oh, I forgot, Thursday night Vivian G. Webb Taylor, ? Van Slate and I all went to the show, and afterwards to the Oneida Bridge Restaurant. Had a dandy time, [shorthand I can’t read] !
So much for the events of last week. I really believe I did pretty well in them, but you never can tell. I thought so in the mid-semester too, and got fooled. None were as bad as I expected tho’ even Sociology. I gave Dr. Derry a line after class, and as he likes to be fed lines by girls, I hope mine helped.
I was invited down to Kenosha by Ruth’s sister over the weekend, and was invited by Elizabeth Clark to her home in Green Bay. Had to turn ‘em both down, darn it!
Tomorrow I am going to spend writing letters – I’m going to write to every single one of my correspondents to whom I owe letters – just see if I don’t!