The Life and Times...

Mostly family stuff. Some Irish history, ancient history, religion and early Christian history.

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Patron Saint of Bloggers - St. Colmcille

It is time to tell the story of the patron saint of the bloggers, St. Colmcille. He was first officially proclaimed the patron right here today, so you are reading history.  His story, and I am not making this up, is an intersting one for our times.

In the 6th sectury, St. Colmcille (also spelled Colm Cille, Columba, Colm Cille, Cholm Cille or Columbkille), while a guest in the home of of St. Finian, secretly copied one of Finians favorite documents and smuggled it (the copy) out. The case went before the High King Diarmaid mac Cearrbheoil (modern spelling McCarville, no kidding) who ruled that the copy belonged to the original document and thus was Finian's. This is the first recorded case of a copyright infringement ruling. Now Colmcille ignored the ruling setting off wars between the O'Neils and the McCarville's with mutual curses of dying painful threefold deaths and all kinds of other interesting folklore.

Now this guy became the mortal enemy of old king McCarville, and (as a direct indirect descendent of the king) I will have more to say about this later, but I do think the guy should be the patron saint of bloggers, the internet, hackers, photcopiers, court reporters and anyone who downloads music, legally or otherwise.

I wonder, does anyone know if there is a patron saint of pirates?


At 4:45 PM, Blogger Johnny Mack said...

patron saint of pirates? That would be a good one to find out!

At 4:17 AM, Blogger McCarville said...

Andre McCarville writes:

Well, I still haven't found pirates, but here's a list
for you to use for sailors and the like:

seafarers, sailors, mariners, boatmen, watermen, safe
sailing, safe seafaring, safe waters

Anthony of Padua
Brendan the Navigator
Brigid of Ireland
Christina of Bolsena
Clement I
Francis of Paola
John Roche
Julian the Hospitaller
Michael the Archangel
Nicholas of Myra
Nicholas of Tolentino
Our Lady, Star of the Sea
Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Peter Gonzales
Phocas the Gardener

At 4:40 AM, Blogger McCarville said...

Andre writes:

I found this which has more on St. Columcille. It's
pretty interesting:

At 4:44 AM, Blogger McCarville said...

At 8:55 PM, Bubba_mac said...
So we are on the same side as the record industry? You need to change that story so we come out against them.

At 2:31 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

This guy might, if one stretches a bit, be a suitable Patron Saint of Fair Use. ;)

I actually find it rather disturbing that Colm and Finian were canonized. This story doesn't exactly portray either in a particularly holy light. I don't think there are too many Catholic bloggers who would appreciate being represented by a guy who instigated wars. On the other hand, perhaps his was the prototypical flame war. ;)

P.S. I'm glad you like my blog. :)

At 9:09 PM, Blogger McCarville said...

Keep in mind that Colm became a saint, in part, because he came to greatly regret the pain he caused by starting a war. His life took a very different turn after that. Maybe learning from one's own mistakes is a very good reason for identifying who should be a saint.

At 3:57 PM, Blogger McCarville said...

By the way, as far as I know, Finian had notheing to do with the war, only the court case. The McCarvilles and the O"Neils were great allies, which meant if they weren't fighting someone else, they could always find a good reason to fight each other.


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