The Life and Times...

Mostly family stuff. Some Irish history, ancient history, religion and early Christian history.

Monday, September 13, 2004

Pittsburgh IrishFest

Went to Pittsburgh's IrishFest today. I liked it a lot better than in previous years, but then I never went to the cultural booths before. Dennis Doyle told stories of Irish Saints and songs and went into a good rendition of the cpyright wars of St. Colmcille. I just wanted a witness that I wasn't making this stuff up.


At 10:33 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I wish I could have gone, but my fiance and I were at a Catholic Engaged Encounter retreat (which I hope to blog about when I have time). Brother didn't play the fest, so I wasn't too broken-hearted. They're the biggest reason for me to go.

At 11:47 AM, Blogger Johnny Mack said...

Hi Uncle Jim.
I talked to Uncle Pat this weekend and it sounded like Las Vegas was a great weekend!


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