The Life and Times...

Mostly family stuff. Some Irish history, ancient history, religion and early Christian history.

Friday, March 25, 2005

Evelyn McCarville's Diary February 6, 1927

Feb. 6
Gee I feel smart! Had two telephone calls tonight – most I’ve had got a long time. I began to think for a while that I was about the most unpopular cuss on earth.
Ruth and I went to church tho’ and I’, so glad we did. I’m glad we go to a Catholic school, and church is so close. I told Ruth that I’ll bet if we went to Madison or Iowa we’d never be seen in a church except Sunday morning, and here we can at least visit church every day, and often attend mass and go to communion. That’s what really counts. Sometimes I think maybe they have more fun at other College and Universities, but after I go to church I thank my lucky stars I’m, here.


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