The Life and Times...

Mostly family stuff. Some Irish history, ancient history, religion and early Christian history.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Whatever you do to the least of....

Readings for the 32nd Sunday of Cycle A. Four things struck me:

1. Whatever you do to the least of my brethren, that you do unto me.
2. Lord, when did we give you drink or feed you ... when did we not?
3. I will come to separate the sheep from the goats, to judge among the sheep and between the goat and the ram.
4. Jesus will come and vanquish the sovereigns of this world.


Each of us is both part sheep and part goat. No matter what we do as sheep, it will never be enough. For every person that I help, there must be ten I pass by. How can I ever do enough? How can I not feel guilty? Yet there is mercy.

At judgment that in us which is of sheep will be called forward and that in us that is of goat will be banished, forever. Those sovereigns of this world, those addictions which rule over me will be vanquished. I will be freed! I will be liberated.