Eyes Ahead
First, thanks for all of your concern, wishes and prayers regarding my recent eye operation.
Second, I just had my one week check up today with Dr. Lobes, the surgeon. The retina is reattached. There is no discussion of a second surgery. There is hope that, with new glasses, my eyesight in my right eye might be restored to 20-30, which might even be better than I had before. We do, however, need to wait a month or two to see how this develops.
Third, I just wanted you all to know that I had a long list of potential saints that need a miracle to be declared saints that I prayed to for a miracle. I told them, though, that I had no problem with their choosing to work the miracle through Dr. Lobes, although it probably is one of those technicalities that prevents them from getting the credit they may deserve. I think they helped anyway. So, if anyone ever needs this list of potential saints in need of a miracle, I would be glad to share it.
Fourth, let me say once again how important it was for me for your interest. Haydee and Julie took extremely good care of me, making sure that I really rested after I started to overexert myself, but also for your concern, emails and phone calls. I remember reading once a saying that said "people die when people stop caring". I know its an overstatment, but there is some meaning there as well as in the reverse case, "people live because people care". That's a miracle I appreciate very much!