Librivox, Gutenberg and Pinocchio
I am always amazed to find something new and really useful on the internet, and how that changes how we can entertain ourselves. This find is one people should know about. Recently I came across which is a volunteer collaborative project to make audio recordings of books in the public domain. access to these recordings is free. They read from texts of books in the public domain from another great website which has already put 2,000,000 ebooks on line and 17,000 of those are available free. Anyway, back to librivox, some of the recordings are by single readers and some are collaborative efforts with multiple readers. Quality can vary, but some of it is excellent. I was able to contribute a chapter of one of my favorite books, the soon to be completed "Adventures of Pinocchio" by Carlo Collodi. If you haven't read (or now listened) to the original story you are in for a real treat. It will amaze you what happens to Jimminy Cricket in Chapter 4. (Alright, just to wet your appetitte this isn't like the Disney version.)
Actually, the Gutenberg site has a few recordings of its own. As one who really likes to listen to audio books, but looks for things other than best sellers, this was an exciting find. If there are any other such free audio sites out there, I would like to hear about them.