The Life and Times...

Mostly family stuff. Some Irish history, ancient history, religion and early Christian history.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Yoga and Sean

Before he moved to Washington, Sean left us his card for his schoolhouse yoga classes. Haydee, Julie and I just got back from our third class. Sure makes the old back feel better.

Sean is living in Silver Spring, MD, and working at the US Department of Transportation as a Presidential Management Fellow. It is a really nice program. They pay real salaries plus a lot of student loans. After a while he may be able to rotate to different departments. The Fellowships are competitive for graduate students across the nation. It is a really good way to recruit new federal employees, even if it is only for a few years. It also provides a network for the new people coming in as well. In fact, almost every time I talk to him, the phrase "I was at a party last night when..." works its way into the conversation. It not only sounds like a good program to recruit new workers, but it sounds like fun for the employees too. Did our federal government learn something from the employers?


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