The Life and Times...

Mostly family stuff. Some Irish history, ancient history, religion and early Christian history.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Conversations with Julie - December, 1998

I came across these notes, apparently about a conversation that I had with Julie in 1998. I can't say if they were my words or hers or probably some combination. All I can say is the heading on the scrap of paper says "Julie -12/98” and that we still have such interesting conversations. The rest you will have to figure out for yourselves.


Faith, Hope and Charity
Have, Give and Do

We don't have great problems if we feel loved and we can feel loved if our parents, or another, loves us, unconditionally.

When we don't feel loved unconditionally, we can blame ourselves, be dishonest to ourselves about who we are and what we are authentically given? We can then think that to be loveable we have to be some ideal other than what we are. If the other loves that ideal, then we spend our lives trying to be what we are not, seeking to be loved for what we we are not, what has not been given to us.

Great love sees the potential in a person and brings it out. Stifling love creates an image that the other does not posses.

Faith → Gift → Giveness. Given to everyone. Do we have the same ability to see it?

Hope → Trust. Investing in what we find, believe in. What the gifts are? What limits our ability to see the gifts.

Charity → Love → Service → Fore-Giveness. What we do with the knowledge of gifts given. Honest about what we are so we can be loved for what we are, accepting of others unconditionally so we can love them for what they have been given. Fore-Giveness.


At 12:11 AM, Blogger Johnny Mack said...

Just stopping in to wish you and the McCarville's a very Merry Christmas and an excellent new year!


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